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In general, choosing a tarantula can be determined by its appearance. Spectacular looking species can be a very fast, defensive or even aggressive; features which are less suitable for the beginner. For example, all Poecilotheria species look amazing, but they are very fast and most likely very defensive. When we are looking at  a group between "for beginners" and "striking and attractive appearance" we quickly turn to a few groups of tarantulas that are widely held and which are also quite easy to breed with, if you plan doing that in the future. The Avicularia and Brachypelma are very popular and easy to take care for. Their temperament is soft and friendly, though there can be exceptions. These beautiful spiders got various hues on the legs and abdomen. All this with many basic colors such as deep black, black gray or brown. Other species are

often remarkably large (some with a leg span of more than 20 centimeter), but

are often defensive. The goliath tarantula (Theraphosa blondi), Acanthoscurria

species, Hysterocrates hercules, Lasiodora parahybana and Pamphopeteus

species are some examples.


It is possible for the fans to purchase tarantulas as spiderling and slowly seeing it

grow so you will have fun of a valuable animal for years. After a while you may

even be rewarded with a cocoon and a fantastic breeding. The Avicularia and

Brachypelma are pretty quiet, which makes it possible for us to observe the

animals easily. This feature makes the initial experience with keeping a tarantula

not just end in disappointment. 


Good places to purchase tarantulas are not that easy to find. If you have made

​​your selection, please be aware that the tarantula you will purchase is in good

health. Always choose a specimen that responds to stimuli from the environment

and not hunched sitting. A healthy tarantula stat with its legs slightly spread and

its body off the ground. A tarantula with his legs under the body (deathcurl), is

very weak or dying. Tarantulas usually die in a position where their legs are folded under the body. Please note: a tarantula lying on its back is not dead, but is preparing for a molt!


As a result of less to no food and poor conditions of transport tarantulas often got shriveled or misshapen abdomen. If you give proper care they are usually back in a good condition after a few months. Imported hair-kicking tarantulas often have bald spots on their abdomen. During the trip, these tarantulas are so often disturbed, they have kicked all their urticating hairs off. After the next molt, the bald spot disappeared. Injured tarantulas and tarantulas with skin and fungal attack or tarantulas that lack (parts of) their limbs, constitute a risk in purchasing. It is not sure whether the wounds and damages will heal successfully. The missing limbs may possibly reappear in the next molt. The area around the mouth parts need to be free of mites, nematodes or other parasites.

Your First Tarantula

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